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The Running Horse Realty office is now located at 501 Greybull Ave Suite 1 Greybull, WY 82426. Please come by or get in touch with us at 307-754-9400 or businessofficerhr@gmail.com.
It’s Running Horse Realty’s 15 Year Anniversary!
15 Years ago Eric and Luanne Loloff started Running Horse Realty—the beginning of what would quickly become a premiere realty talent team in Wyoming’s Big Horn Basin and south central Montana. Eric, broker and owner, also known as the “Land Man” and his team continue to start with that first step to their “people-to-people” approach—which includes a hand shake, cup of coffee, lots of notes and listening ears.
For 15 years, Running Horse Realty has provided its customers a unique and smooth experience that goes above and beyond. That is why clients keep coming back to an impressive team they can always trust.
It’s no surprise every team member is intimately familiar with the Wyoming and Montana lifestyles. Whether it be agriculture, ranching, hunting, fishing, horses, art or wilderness, the team has the ability and familiarity to take any realty project from start to finish, no matter the size. And it’s a lot of fun and comfort along the way.
At the same time, the team at Running Horse Realty is equally grateful for so many years of wonderful clients and strong relationships with results that continue to endure.
Click, Call, or Come By – Help Us Celebrate 15 Years of Success!
Phone: 307-754-9400
501 Greybull Ave, Suite 1
In the Mead Building
Greybull, WY 82426
May 9, 2019