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Counting Wild Horses

Can’t Sleep? Try Counting Wild Horses in Wyoming

Counting Wild Horses

The Running Horse Realty office is now located at 501 Greybull Ave Suite 1 Greybull, WY 82426. Please come by or get in touch with us at 307-754-9400 or businessofficerhr@gmail.com.

Haven’t found the property that fits your herd? Is it keeping you up at night? Try counting wild horses:

1. Close your eyes and visualize the Bighorn Basin prairie

2. Picture a herd of wild horses on that prairie

3. Begin to count the wild horses one by one

4. Breath slow and deep until you fall asleep, counting wild horses


With that good night’s rest, contact Running Horse Realty after you make that dandy cup of coffee. We have Land you need to see.

307-754-9400 or visit www.runninghorserealty.com

Counting Wild Horses

These Wild Mustangs in Wyoming were photographed by your Land Man Eric Loloff from Running Horse Realty. Loloff is an area expert on Farm & Ranch properties, and that is why the Big Horn Basin calls him “The Land Man.”

October 20, 2017