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Wyoming Cattle Auction Summary w/e October 10, 2015

The Running Horse Realty office is now located at 501 Greybull Ave Suite 1 Greybull, WY 82426. Please come by or get in touch with us at 307-754-9400 or businessofficerhr@gmail.com.

Wyoming Cattle Auction Summary w/e October 10, 2015 

Riverton Livestock Auction          - Tuesday, October 6, 2015                                                       
Torrington Livestock Commission Co. - Wednesday, October 7, 2015 
Torrington Livestock Commission Co. - Friday, October 9, 2015 

Receipts: 7100          Week Ago: 3800             Last Year: 7550   

Compared to last week steers and heifer calves sold 3.00-7.00 higher, yearling 
steers not comparable with last week and yearling heifers sold 2.00-6.00 higher.  
Demand was moderate to good.  Compared to last week slaughter and feeder cows 
sold steady to 5.00 lower, slaughter bulls steady to 5.00 lower. Demand oderate.  
Of the total receipts approximately 6100 head were feeder cattle with 56 percent 
steers, 44 percent heifers, with 53 percent weighing over 600 lbs.  

Slaughter Cows:                
            Pct Lean    Weight     Avg Dressing   High Dressing   Low Dressing
Breakers     75-80     1300-1850    71.00-87.00      ------        61.00-70.00           
Boners       80-85     1050-1600    71.00-82.50    83.00-88.00     61.00-70.00             
Lean         85-90      925-1400    70.50-78.00        82.50       65.00-70.00  

  Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1-2 1300-2350 lbs 92.00-105.00, high dressing 
106.00-109.00, low dressing 87.00-90.00; returning to feed 1000-1600 lbs 
  Feeder and Re-breed Cows: Medium and Large 1 Heifers 850-925 lbs 114.00-
165.00; Heiferettes 800-1075 lbs 122.50-142.50; Young 850-1200 lbs 87.00-
116.00; Middle Aged to Aged average condition 1000-1450 lbs 73.00-88.00, few 
89.00-96.00, thin 71.00-79.00.
   Bred Cows: Medium and Large 1 Heifers 805-1000 lbs several 1225.00-1700.00; 
Middle Aged 1200-1260 lbs 1025.00-1275.00; Aged 1175-1265 lbs 1250.00-1375.00, 
all per head.

                     Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1                      
       Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price                 
          8     221        221       385.00         385.00                 
         18     260        260       327.50         327.50                 
          5     319        319       270.00         270.00                 
         33   368-378      374    242.00-254.00     246.29                 
        167   403-439      421    229.00-248.00     237.46                 
        295   450-497      484    204.00-248.00     221.63                 
         99   475-490      484    232.00-234.00     232.79 Fancy           
        302   500-541      521    203.00-230.50     217.70                 
        166   553-593      580    182.00-214.50     194.96                 
        180   552-565      555    207.00-214.00     212.22 Fancy           
         55   608-642      618    197.50-208.00     200.01                 
         66   604-647      629    169.00-184.00     174.26 Calves          
         16     648        648       188.00         188.00 Fancy           
          5     653        653       200.50         200.50                 
         19   673-691      684    161.00-173.00     168.94 Calves          
         10     700        700       168.00         168.00 Calves          
        141   763-799      775    182.25-206.00     197.16                 
         50   801-843      820    187.50-196.00     192.74                 
        180   852-893      872    177.00-191.50     182.59                 
        399   858-877      869    198.00-199.50     198.73 Fancy           
         39   945-948      948    161.00-183.50     180.62                 
         92   950-954      954    182.00-185.25     184.86                 
         19  1003-1024    1018    162.00-172.00     169.41                 
          8    1055       1055       144.00         144.00                 

                         Feeder Steers Medium 1-2                          
       Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price                 
         58     760        760       166.00         166.00                 

                    Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1-2                     
       Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price                 
          6     335        335       239.00         239.00                 
         10     432        432       201.00         201.00                 
         38   503-525      513       201.00         201.00 
                      Feeder Steers Medium 1                           
       Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price                 
         12     410        410       231.00         231.00                 

                          Feeder Heifers Medium 1                          
                     Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1                     
       Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price                 
          7     298        298       237.50         237.50                 
         16   318-342      335    231.00-245.00     235.16                 
         57   352-399      378    193.00-211.00     203.17                 
         68   407-438      422    181.00-217.50     197.43                 
        272   456-498      477    170.00-225.00     197.75                 
         19     453        453       237.00         237.00 Fancy           
         46     474        474       211.00         211.00 Replacement     
        165   504-549      526    173.00-207.00     186.32                 
         46   550-590      564    163.50-205.00     186.67                 
          7     568        568       142.00         142.00 Yearlings       
          5     614        614       161.00         161.00 Calves          
         77   657-686      668    171.00-185.00     175.04                 
          7     664        664       164.50         164.50 Calves          
        169   700-749      716    170.00-192.25     188.18                 
        235   757-799      777    166.00-179.00     174.41                 
         11     760        760       163.00         163.00 Full            
        226   807-846      826    165.00-185.50     173.21                 
         23     846        846       169.50         169.50 Full            
        106   850-895      865    152.00-170.50     165.62                 
        191   919-947      930    153.50-168.00     163.12                 
         58   952-982      968    157.50-160.50     159.30                 
         40  1005-1032    1018    155.00-155.50     155.26                 

                    Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1-2                    
       Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price                 
         18     384        384       186.00         186.00                 
         13     474        474       167.00         167.00                 
         12     754        754       171.00         171.00                 
         51   812-821      820    169.75-171.00     169.92                 

       Head   Wt Range   Avg Wt    Price Range   Avg Price                 
         37     887        887       155.50         155.50                 

Source: USDA-WY Dept Ag Market News, Torrington, Wyoming
        Kaye Orton, Market Reporting Assistant
        Phone 307-532-4146
        24-Hour Markets 307-532-7200
        Office email: Torrington.LPGMN@ams.usda.gov   

October 10, 2015

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