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The Running Horse Realty office is now located at 501 Greybull Ave Suite 1 Greybull, WY 82426. Please come by or get in touch with us at 307-754-9400 or businessofficerhr@gmail.com.
As you can imagine,as And our region in the Big Horn Basin and south central Montana is home to an incredible variety of people including artists with talents that can produce a metal Buffalo Sculpture like this one. This is not a bronze cast—it is 100% iron with a petina.
Your team at RHR can not only help you get into a new home, but is also knowledgeable about the big wonderful Wyoming Lifestyle and how to find local craftspeople and artists to then make your home your own, whether you are building a barn or decorating the back patio.
Buffalo Sculpture Artist: Andrew Parent www.andrew-parent.com
Contact Us! Please call for an appointment for weekdays, evenings, and weekends.
RHR in Greybull: 307-373-2565
RHR in Powell: 307-754-9400
March 11, 2021